Do you feel there’s always too much going on in your life, not just externally but on the inside too?

Are you looking to reduce your stress levels?

Or alleviate feelings of anxiety?

Perhaps you’d like to recover more easily from bouts of low mood?

Or you’re seeking relief from a busy, overactive mind, longing for a greater sense of peace?

Would you like to attain a profound and lasting feeling of physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing?

Or, are you interested in connecting with the deeper, more spiritual dimensions of your being?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, then learning how to meditate, and knowing how to make it a regular part of your life, has the potential to help you in a profound way.

Meditation is simple to learn. It can be practised anywhere. And it has the power to bring the mind, body, emotions and soul into complete balance.

A regular meditation practice ....

  • Clears away built-up stress and heals the nervous system, making you calmer, more poised, and less reactionary.

  • Decreases blood pressure, lowers cholesterol levels, improves immune function, and improves sleep.

  • Counteracts the mind’s negativity bias, brings an unruly mind under control, and instills a deep sense of peace and calm.

  • Triggers the brain to release “happy chemicals” including dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins.

  • Improves your ability to stay focused in a world filled with increasing distractions and demands.

  • Stimulates growth in brain areas associated with memory, learning, empathy, self-awareness, and stress regulation.

  • Helps you connect to the field of infinite possibilities or pure potentiality, and opens your mind to new insights, intuition, and ideas.

  • Allows you to be truly present with your loved ones and really listen and understand what they need.

Meditation can change your life - just like it changed mine.

Years ago, I conquered my chronic anxiety with a daily meditation practice.

When I was in my teens, I suffered from debilitating anxiety and panic disorder. My life felt pretty bleak. Back then, my options were limited. There was no internet, so I couldn’t search for solutions, and the conversation about mental wellbeing wasn’t front and centre like it is today.

I really struggled until, one day, my uncle gave me a mala and taught me a mantra. He told me that if I meditated for a few minutes every day, I would feel calmer and happier. I had nothing to lose, so I gave it a shot. And, to my surprise, within a couple of weeks of meditating daily, I started feeling better.

My stress and anxiety levels decreased, and I began to take control of my thoughts and my life. From that point on, I was hooked. That was 40 years ago, and to this day, I have never stopped doing my daily meditation practice.

That experience is why I’ve dedicated my career to helping others to discover the healing power of daily meditation.

As a Holistic Life Coach, I help people heal and bring their lives back into balance by integrating meditation practice, psychotherapy, NLP coaching, soul plan readings and divine healing.

To date, I’ve helped hundreds of students bring peace and balance back into their lives — and all it takes is 15 to 20 minutes a day.

You might wonder how something so simple can have such a profound balancing effect on your mind, body, and soul.

I’m here to show you how to reset your nervous system, regain control of your mind, and start living your life from a place of inner peace — all in just six weeks.

And you never have to worry that it’s a one-size-fits-all system. It’s not. I help you explore various styles of meditation, so you can find one that works best for you at this stage in your life.

Isn’t that the entire point of meditation? Finding what works for you, so you can establish a daily practice that helps you relieve stress, eliminate overwhelm, and gain focus.

A simple, guided, easy-to-follow programme that will teach you the powerful, transformative practice of meditation and take you from feeling strung out to blissed out, whatever your age, background, meditation experience and ability.

The programme includes:

  • 6 video training modules

  • 6 different meditations to experiment with

  • 6 downloadable worksheets

  • a private online community

  • lifetime access to the course.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome to Six Weeks to Inner Peace

    • Getting Started

  • 2

    WEEK 1

    • What is Meditation?

    • The Body Scan Meditation

    • Week One Worksheet

    • Week 1 Reflections

  • 3

    WEEK 2

    • Resistance, Posture and Breathing

    • The Breath Awareness Meditation

    • Week Two Worksheet

    • Week 2 Reflections

  • 4

    WEEK 3

    • Habits, Sacred Spaces and Imagery

    • A Trip to the Beach

    • Week Three Worksheet

    • Week 3 Reflections

  • 5

    WEEK 4

    • Music, Mantras and Mudras

    • Ra Ma Da Sa Mantra Meditation

    • Week Four Worksheet

    • Week 4 Reflections

  • 6

    WEEK 5

    • The Chakras

    • The Chakra Balancing Meditation

    • Week Five Worksheet

    • Chakra Information Sheets

    • Week 5 Reflections

  • 7

    WEEK 6

    • Spiritual Enlightenment, Energy Protection and Grounding

    • The Sacred Space Within Meditation

    • Week Six Worksheet

    • Daily Energy Clearing and Protection Practice

    • Week 6 Reflections

    • Next Steps

Here's what other students have to say

"An excellent introduction to meditation"


“The different methods of meditation really appealed to me as it gave me the chance to try and experience them all and then be able to choose which one resonated with me. It told me a lot about myself too! This course is an excellent introduction to meditation and I think I can finally say that I can meditate now, in my own way.”

"It helped me to calm my mind!"


“It opened a whole new world for me. It helped me to calm my mind. Moreover, it helped me to manage my emotions when I feel overwhelmed with thoughts/feelings inside me and with the world around me. Harinder is a great teacher and passionate about what she does.”

"I can meditate now!"


“I really like the fact that it incorporated all different types of meditations and we were free to experiment and practise different styles and learn what works best for us. Both the theory learnt and experiences from meditating have helped me understand the WHY of meditation (and also life) and I would definitely like to continue to incorporate these as a daily practice -- and continue transforming!”



“An amazingly insightful course whereby six weeks is just the beginning of one's lifelong journey. Harinder neatly imparts theory and practice with such warmth & compassion…Priceless!”

"Your course has given me some inner peace!"


“When I decided to attend the course, I was going through a very stressful time and sleepless nights but now I’m a very different person and look at things in life from a different perspective. Your course has given me some inner peace…For me you were an ideal guide.”

"The answer to connecting with my true inner self!"


“I’ve finally learnt that meditation isn’t just something to do for relaxation but is the answer to combating the stress, the cause of stress and the effects. It's been the answer to connecting with my true inner self. This was my main problem. When I became stressed I could feel the strong sharp tenseness in my head. This made other things worse and I would go into thinking overload which just fed the cycle. I now do not react like that.”

“This course was perfect!"


“This course was perfect as it explained all the fundamentals, such as the importance of posture, hand positions, different types of meditation techniques, but in a way that completely fitted in with the knowledge and experience I already had… Harinder's knowledge and authority on the subject clearly come from her many years of dedicated personal practice…I would recommend it to beginners and experienced meditators alike --there is something for everyone.”

"I'm meditating on a daily basis!"


“I used to be a very anxious, paranoid person but there has been a dramatic turnaround since I attended Harinder’s meditation course. I am now the complete opposite and am meditating on a daily basis. Thank you for guiding me to be the best person I can be.”

"It gave me the opportunity to experience different types of meditation"


“The course was different to other courses as it gave me information to understand meditation, its purpose, different methods, the benefits and so much more. It gave me the opportunity to experience different types of meditation and choose for myself the one(s) my body needed to heal, all in a safe environment.”

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q. When will I have access to the materials?

    A: You'll have immediate access to Module 1 as soon as you join the programme. The remaining modules will be released each week. You will have forever access to the course materials.

  • Q: How much time should I set aside each week?

    A: Every individual will go at their own pace, but you should expect to set aside 30 minutes to review the video each week and 20 minutes each day for the daily practice.

  • Q: How do I ask questions or get feedback during the programme?

    A: Simply post your question on the dedicated Facebook group or send an email to [email protected] and we'll be happy to help.

  • Q: How long is the programme?

    A: The programme has 6 modules, one being released each week, but you can go at your own pace.